Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

For the first six months of our marriage Mr Firehouse worked FIFO. He would fly into Perth early on a Monday and stay a week, sometimes two, before flying back on a Friday. We had a bunch of lovely friends in Perth who took great care of him. Inviting him over, taking him out and…

Sweet Potato Pancakes

    For a long time my son Callum didn’t like toast for breakfast. He preferred cooked breakfasts, pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs. I had neither the time nor the energy to indulge him so I created some cheats. This was one of them. A sweet potato pancake that I made in bulk and froze. Easy…

Pumpkin Curry with Coconut Milk

As you probably already know, I’m a big lover of pumpkin. Especially pumpkin soup. It’s warming, sweet, creamy and comforting. However, when I have made it for Sri Lankan relatives, especially male ones, they don’t seem to get it. I suspect this curry has a lot to do with it. Pumpkin, cooked Sri Lankan style,…


My family has rather a strong connection with Russia. In the late seventies my father travelled to the former USSR to study mining engineering. He spoke no Russian, knew no-one and had never travelled outside Sri Lanka. He spent the first year learning Russian and over the next five became well and truly immersed in…