Vanilla Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Buttercream

I suspect Mr Firehouse was duped. You see, a few weeks ago he came to me and asked for some salted caramel cupcakes for the following week. I agreed of course, this wasn’t an unusual request. When I asked why, he commented that a colleague was  adamant that salted caramel could not work as a…

Salted Caramel Sauce

  When I first arrived in the States and was looking for something to do, I joined a volunteer group that worked in schools during Summer and helped out teachers. This was pretty soon after we’d moved here. Everything was just new and we were just learning how to speak American. During a lesson about…

Potato and Leek Baddum (Stir-fried potato and leek)

Leeks are like eggs I find. Oftentimes required in recipes only in part. “Use white part only” is a phrase that I hear a lot more than “Use green part only”. What happens to all those spare green parts then? I usually chop them off, pop them in a bag and watch them sit in…

Potato and Leek Soup

This is one of the first dishes I ever learned to make. While on holiday in Sri Lanka my sister and I can home to my father’s family home in Sri Lanka to spend the night. My uncle, who had been a chef before becoming ill and subsequently paralysed in his 20’s had gathered on…

Lankan Butter Cake

   Have you ever heard of a cake smash? If you have a little tyke, you probably would have. It’s a uniquely American, though now a much more ubiquitous concept, of presenting a child with a cake on his/her birthday that can be smashed to their hearts content. The more mess, the better.  Owing to…

Devilled Potatoes (Ala Theldala)

    Me and this dish had a falling out some years ago.  Twice a year the Sri Lankan Buddhist community in Sydney would throw a food fair to help raise money for the temple. Groups of people would host stalls serving traditional Sri Lankan fare; string hoppers, roti, koththu etc. The hopper stall was…